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Halswell Drama Group in Halswell, Christchurch – Canterbury

About The Studio Halswell Drama Group

Halswell Drama Group is a Community Theatre Group that has been around for just on 60 years. Being a Community Theatre Group we are all volunteers, but we do it because we love it! We are always keen for new members to come and join us, no matter where your skill set lies, WE NEED YOU! Whether it be as a performer, Creative Team Member, Sound guru, Lighting designer/operator, Set Builder, Costume creator, Props finder, Painter, Musician, Stage Manager, Stage hand, Usher, Ticketing whizz or Marketer, there are plenty of options for you you to be involved. We tend to put on 1 main show a year, with some social events happening off-season. Traditionally, used to do variety styled, home-grown shows, but over the last few years have grown into doing shows that are more well-known, such as 'Nunsense - The Mega Musical', 'The Wedding Singer', 'All Shook Up'. In 2021 we performed 'Little Shop of Horrors' and it was a huge hit! We aim to be inclusive, to give people a chance to be involved where and when possible, we very much have the family vibe and we just love spending time together. Meeting new people each year is so exciting and we love how our theatre family just keeps on growing from year to year.

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